How to deploy python application article has been written by Semih Arsan to teach you to deploy your python application on Kubernetes cluster on aws, azure and on-premise resources without knowing any python coding skill. I hope you can easly learn how to do it with this article. There will be different articles for each step, so you can use all or some of them to learn how to do it. After you have read all steps, you will be able to deploy your python app from any source repository to anywhere by using ci/cd pipelines.
- Setup your domain names with cloudflare free plan to protect your app from attackers
- Setup Linux Sever on Vcenter and Create VM Template
- Setup Kubernetes Cluster with 2 nodes on Vcenter
- Setup Azure Devops 2022 on a Windows 2022 server virtual machine
- Setup Jenkins on Ubuntu Linux virtual machine and configure for AWS
- Setup Aws EKS Cluster With Fargate Profile With Terraform Code by jenkins Pipeline
- Deploy Python App on AWS EKS Cluster Service by Jenkins Pipeline
- Deploy Python App on AWS ECS Service by Jenkins Pipeline
- Setup Azure AKS Cluster With Terraform Code by Azure Devops Pipeline
- Deploy Python App to Azure AKS Cluster by Azure Devops Pipeline
- Connect on-premise Azure Devops 2022 to your Azure Cloud Subscription
- Deploy Python App to on-premise Kubernetes Cluster by Jenkins Pipeline
- Deploy Python App to on-premise Kubernetes Cluster by Azure Devops Pipeline
- Deploy Python App to on-premise IIS Server and Kubernetes Cluster by Azure Devops Pipeline